Commit 8612a451 by Harish Butani

fix fieldName generation in ComparisonExpression

parent 1d0dcc02
......@@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
case c@ComparisonExpression(symb, f@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, ch), l) => {
ch match {
case Some(child) =>
s"""${genQuery(child, inSelect)}.has("$fieldName", ${gPersistenceBehavior.gremlinCompOp(c)}, $l)"""
case Some(child) => {
val fieldGremlinExpr = s"${gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fInfo.dataType, fInfo.attrInfo)}"
s"""${genQuery(child, inSelect)}.has("$fieldGremlinExpr", ${gPersistenceBehavior.gremlinCompOp(c)}, $l)"""
case None => s"""has("$fieldName", ${gPersistenceBehavior.gremlinCompOp(c)}, $l)"""
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