Commit a2a739a5 by Shwetha GS

fixed multiplicity in hive model

parent fed7af93
......@@ -452,8 +452,9 @@ public class HiveDataModelGenerator {
Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null),
new AttributeDefinition("functionType", HiveDataTypes.HIVE_FUNCTION_TYPE.getName(),
Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null),
new AttributeDefinition("resourceUris", HiveDataTypes.HIVE_RESOURCEURI.getName(),
Multiplicity.COLLECTION, false, null),
new AttributeDefinition("resourceUris",
DataTypes.arrayTypeName(HiveDataTypes.HIVE_RESOURCEURI.getName()), Multiplicity.OPTIONAL, false,
HierarchicalTypeDefinition<ClassType> definition = new HierarchicalTypeDefinition<>(
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ public class HiveHookIT {
hiveConf.set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "jdbc:derby:./target/metastore_db;create=true");
hiveConf.set("hive.hook.dgi.synchronous", "true");
hiveConf.set(HiveMetaStoreBridge.HIVE_CLUSTER_NAME, CLUSTER_NAME);
//weird, hive prepends test_ to table name
hiveConf.set("hive.test.mode", "true");
hiveConf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVETESTMODE, true); //to not use hdfs
hiveConf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVETESTMODEPREFIX, "");
hiveConf.set("fs.pfile.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.ProxyLocalFileSystem");
return hiveConf;
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class HiveHookIT {
public void testLoadData() throws Exception {
String tableName = "table" + random();
runCommand("create table test_" + tableName + "(id int, name string)");
runCommand("create table " + tableName + "(id int, name string)");
String loadFile = file("load");
String query = "load data local inpath 'file://" + loadFile + "' into table " + tableName;
......@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ public class HiveHookIT {
runCommand("create table " + tableName + "(id int, name string) partitioned by(dt string)");
String insertTableName = "table" + random();
runCommand("create table test_" + insertTableName + "(name string) partitioned by(dt string)");
runCommand("create table " + insertTableName + "(name string) partitioned by(dt string)");
String query = "insert into " + insertTableName + " partition(dt = '2015-01-01') select name from "
+ tableName + " where dt = '2015-01-01'";
assertPartitionIsRegistered("default", "test_" + insertTableName, "2015-01-01");
assertPartitionIsRegistered("default", insertTableName, "2015-01-01");
private String random() {
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class HiveHookIT {
public void testExportImport() throws Exception {
String tableName = "table" + random();
runCommand("create table test_" + tableName + "(name string)");
runCommand("create table " + tableName + "(name string)");
String filename = "pfile://" + mkdir("export");
String query = "export table " + tableName + " to '" + filename + "'";
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