Commit aa15cd0a by Suma Shivaprasad

ATLAS-1139 Parameter name of a HDFS DataSet entity should contain filesystem…

ATLAS-1139 Parameter name of a HDFS DataSet entity should contain filesystem path (svimal2106 via sumasai)
parent fdf97ae4
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Input;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Output;
import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Workflow;
import org.apache.falcon.workflow.WorkflowExecutionArgs;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
......@@ -323,7 +324,8 @@ public class FalconBridge {
// Path path = new Path(pathUri);
// ref.set("name", path.getName());
//TODO - Fix after ATLAS-542 to shorter Name
ref.set(AtlasClient.NAME, pathUri);
Path path = new Path(pathUri);
ref.set(AtlasClient.NAME, Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(path).toString().toLowerCase());
ref.set(AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, pathUri);
ref.set(AtlasConstants.CLUSTER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, clusterName);
......@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ public class HiveMetaStoreBridge {
Referenceable ref = new Referenceable(FSDataTypes.HDFS_PATH().toString());
ref.set("path", pathUri);
Path path = new Path(pathUri);
ref.set(AtlasClient.NAME, path.getName());
ref.set(AtlasClient.NAME, Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(path).toString().toLowerCase());
ref.set(AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, pathUri);
return ref;
......@@ -218,13 +218,14 @@ public class HiveITBase {
List<Id> hdfsPathRefs = (List<Id>) processReference.get(attributeName);
for (int i = 0; i < testPaths.length; i++) {
final String testPathNormed = lower(new Path(testPaths[i]).toString());
final Path path = new Path(testPaths[i]);
final String testPathNormed = lower(path.toString());
String hdfsPathId = assertHDFSPathIsRegistered(testPathNormed);
Assert.assertEquals(hdfsPathRefs.get(0)._getId(), hdfsPathId);
Referenceable hdfsPathRef = atlasClient.getEntity(hdfsPathId);
Assert.assertEquals(hdfsPathRef.get("path"), testPathNormed);
Assert.assertEquals(hdfsPathRef.get(NAME), new Path(testPathNormed).getName());
Assert.assertEquals(hdfsPathRef.get(NAME), Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(path).toString().toLowerCase());
Assert.assertEquals(hdfsPathRef.get(AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), testPathNormed);
......@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ public class SqoopHookIT {
private String assertHiveTableIsRegistered(String dbName, String tableName) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Searching for table {}.{}", dbName, tableName);
String query = String.format(
"%s as t where " + AtlasClient.NAME + " = '%s', db where " + AtlasClient.NAME + " = '%s' and clusterName = '%s'" + " select t",
HiveDataTypes.HIVE_TABLE.getName(), tableName.toLowerCase(), dbName.toLowerCase(), CLUSTER_NAME);
"%s as t where " + AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME + " = '%s', db where " + AtlasClient.NAME + " = '%s' and clusterName = '%s'" + " select t",
HiveDataTypes.HIVE_TABLE.getName(), HiveMetaStoreBridge.getTableQualifiedName(CLUSTER_NAME, dbName, tableName), dbName.toLowerCase(), CLUSTER_NAME);
return assertEntityIsRegistered(query);
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ public class StormAtlasHook extends AtlasHook implements ISubmitterHook {
dataSetReferenceable.set("path", hdfsPathStr);
dataSetReferenceable.set(AtlasClient.OWNER, stormConf.get("hdfs.kerberos.principal"));
final Path hdfsPath = new Path(hdfsPathStr);
dataSetReferenceable.set(AtlasClient.NAME, hdfsPath.getName());
dataSetReferenceable.set(AtlasClient.NAME, Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(hdfsPath).toString().toLowerCase());
case "HiveBolt":
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ATLAS-1060 Add composite indexes for exact match performance improvements for al
ATLAS-1127 Modify creation and modification timestamps to Date instead of Long(sumasai)
ATLAS-1139 Parameter name of a HDFS DataSet entity should contain filesystem path (svimal2106 via sumasai)
ATLAS-1200 Error Catalog enhancement (apoorvnaik via sumasai)
ATLAS-1207 Dataset exists query in lineage APIs takes longer (shwethags)
ATLAS-1232 added preCreate(), preDelete() in typedef persistence, to enable edge creation for references in a later stage (mneethiraj)
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