Commit e1df983c by Harish Butani

Introduce FieldMapping to get ready for Trait and Class Types

parent 1a3dc0e2
......@@ -5,14 +5,17 @@ import;
import org.apache.metadata.IStruct;
import org.apache.metadata.MetadataException;
import org.apache.metadata.types.StructType;
import org.apache.metadata.types.AttributeInfo;
import org.apache.metadata.types.FieldMapping;
import org.apache.metadata.types.TypeUtils;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
public class TypedStruct implements IStruct {
public final StructType dataType;
public class StructInstance implements IStruct {
public final String dataTypeName;
public final FieldMapping fieldMapping;
public final boolean nullFlags[];
public final boolean[] bools;
public final byte[] bytes;
......@@ -27,14 +30,16 @@ public class TypedStruct implements IStruct {
public final String[] strings;
public final ImmutableList<Object>[] arrays;
public final ImmutableMap<Object,Object>[] maps;
public final TypedStruct[] structs;
public final StructInstance[] structs;
public TypedStruct(StructType dataType, boolean[] nullFlags, boolean[] bools, byte[] bytes, short[] shorts, int[] ints,
long[] longs, float[] floats, double[] doubles,
BigDecimal[] bigDecimals, BigInteger[] bigIntegers, Date[] dates, String[] strings,
ImmutableList<Object>[] arrays, ImmutableMap<Object, Object>[] maps, TypedStruct[] structs) {
assert dataType != null;
this.dataType = dataType;
public StructInstance(String dataTypeName, FieldMapping fieldMapping,
boolean[] nullFlags, boolean[] bools, byte[] bytes, short[] shorts, int[] ints,
long[] longs, float[] floats, double[] doubles,
BigDecimal[] bigDecimals, BigInteger[] bigIntegers, Date[] dates, String[] strings,
ImmutableList<Object>[] arrays, ImmutableMap<Object, Object>[] maps, StructInstance[] structs) {
assert dataTypeName != null;
this.dataTypeName = dataTypeName;
this.fieldMapping = fieldMapping;
this.nullFlags = nullFlags;
this.bools = bools;
this.bytes = bytes;
......@@ -58,25 +63,54 @@ public class TypedStruct implements IStruct {
public String getTypeName() {
return dataType.getName();
return dataTypeName;
public Object get(String attrName) throws MetadataException {
return dataType.get(this, attrName);
return fieldMapping.get(this, attrName);
public void set(String attrName, Object val) throws MetadataException {
dataType.set(this, attrName, val);
fieldMapping.set(this, attrName, val);
public void output(IStruct s, Appendable buf, String prefix) throws MetadataException {
TypeUtils.outputVal("{", buf, prefix);
if ( s == null ) {
TypeUtils.outputVal("<null>\n", buf, "");
TypeUtils.outputVal("\n", buf, "");
String fieldPrefix = prefix + "\t";
for(AttributeInfo i : fieldMapping.fields.values()) {
Object aVal = s.get(;
TypeUtils.outputVal( + " : ", buf, fieldPrefix);
i.dataType().output(aVal, buf, "");
TypeUtils.outputVal("\n", buf, "");
TypeUtils.outputVal("\n}\n", buf, "");
public String toString() {
try {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
dataType.output(this, b, "");
return b.toString();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
String prefix = "";
TypeUtils.outputVal("{", buf, prefix);
TypeUtils.outputVal("\n", buf, "");
String fieldPrefix = prefix + "\t";
for(AttributeInfo i : fieldMapping.fields.values()) {
Object aVal = get(;
TypeUtils.outputVal( + " : ", buf, fieldPrefix);
i.dataType().output(aVal, buf, "");
TypeUtils.outputVal("\n", buf, "");
TypeUtils.outputVal("\n}\n", buf, "");
return buf.toString();
} catch(MetadataException me) {
throw new RuntimeException(me);
......@@ -13,18 +13,9 @@ abstract class AbstractDataType<T> implements IDataType<T> {
return null;
protected void outputVal(String val, Appendable buf, String prefix) throws MetadataException {
try {
} catch(IOException ie) {
throw new MetadataException(ie);
public void output(T val, Appendable buf, String prefix) throws MetadataException {
outputVal(val == null ? "<null>" : val.toString(), buf, prefix);
TypeUtils.outputVal(val == null ? "<null>" : val.toString(), buf, prefix);
package org.apache.metadata.types;
import org.apache.metadata.MetadataException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class FieldMapping {
public final Map<String,AttributeInfo> fields;
private final Map<String, Integer> fieldPos;
private final Map<String, Integer> fieldNullPos;
public final int numBools;
public final int numBytes;
public final int numShorts;
public final int numInts;
public final int numLongs;
public final int numFloats;
public final int numDoubles;
public final int numBigInts;
public final int numBigDecimals;
public final int numDates;
public final int numStrings;
public final int numArrays;
public final int numMaps;
public final int numStructs;
public FieldMapping(Map<String, AttributeInfo> fields, Map<String, Integer> fieldPos,
Map<String, Integer> fieldNullPos, int numBools, int numBytes, int numShorts,
int numInts, int numLongs, int numFloats, int numDoubles, int numBigInts, int numBigDecimals,
int numDates, int numStrings, int numArrays, int numMaps, int numStructs) {
this.fields = fields;
this.fieldPos = fieldPos;
this.fieldNullPos = fieldNullPos;
this.numBools = numBools;
this.numBytes = numBytes;
this.numShorts = numShorts;
this.numInts = numInts;
this.numLongs = numLongs;
this.numFloats = numFloats;
this.numDoubles = numDoubles;
this.numBigInts = numBigInts;
this.numBigDecimals = numBigDecimals;
this.numDates = numDates;
this.numStrings = numStrings;
this.numArrays = numArrays;
this.numMaps = numMaps;
this.numStructs = numStructs;
public void set(StructInstance s, String attrName, Object val) throws MetadataException {
AttributeInfo i = fields.get(attrName);
if ( i == null ) {
throw new ValueConversionException(s.getTypeName(), val, "Unknown field " + attrName);
int pos = fieldPos.get(attrName);
int nullPos = fieldNullPos.get(attrName);
Object cVal = i.dataType().convert(val, i.multiplicity);
if ( cVal == null ) {
s.nullFlags[nullPos] = true;
s.nullFlags[nullPos] = false;
if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE ) {
s.bools[pos] = ((Boolean)cVal).booleanValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE ) {
s.bytes[pos] = ((Byte)cVal).byteValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE ) {
s.shorts[pos] = ((Short)cVal).shortValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.INT_TYPE ) {
s.ints[pos] = ((Integer)cVal).intValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE ) {
s.longs[pos] = ((Long)cVal).longValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE ) {
s.floats[pos] = ((Float)cVal).floatValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE ) {
s.doubles[pos] = ((Double)cVal).doubleValue();
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BIGINTEGER_TYPE ) {
s.bigIntegers[pos] = (BigInteger) cVal;
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE ) {
s.bigDecimals[pos] = (BigDecimal) cVal;
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.DATE_TYPE ) {
s.dates[pos] = (Date) cVal;
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.STRING_TYPE ) {
s.strings[pos] = (String) cVal;
} else if ( i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.ARRAY ) {
s.arrays[pos] = (ImmutableList) cVal;
} else if ( i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.MAP ) {
s.maps[pos] = (ImmutableMap) cVal;
} else if ( i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT ) {
s.structs[pos] = (StructInstance) cVal;
} else {
throw new MetadataException(String.format("Unknown datatype %s", i.dataType()));
public Object get(StructInstance s, String attrName) throws MetadataException {
AttributeInfo i = fields.get(attrName);
if ( i == null ) {
throw new MetadataException(String.format("Unknown field %s for Struct %s", attrName, s.getTypeName()));
int pos = fieldPos.get(attrName);
int nullPos = fieldNullPos.get(attrName);
if ( s.nullFlags[nullPos]) {
return null;
if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE ) {
return s.bools[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE ) {
return s.bytes[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE ) {
return s.shorts[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.INT_TYPE ) {
return s.ints[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE ) {
return s.longs[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE ) {
return s.floats[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE ) {
return s.doubles[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BIGINTEGER_TYPE ) {
return s.bigIntegers[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE ) {
return s.bigDecimals[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.DATE_TYPE ) {
return s.dates[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType() == DataTypes.STRING_TYPE ) {
return s.strings[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.ARRAY ) {
return s.arrays[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.MAP ) {
return s.maps[pos];
} else if ( i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT ) {
return s.structs[pos];
} else {
throw new MetadataException(String.format("Unknown datatype %s", i.dataType()));
package org.apache.metadata.types;
import org.apache.metadata.MetadataException;
public class TypeUtils {
public static void outputVal(String val, Appendable buf, String prefix) throws MetadataException {
try {
} catch(IOException ie) {
throw new MetadataException(ie);
......@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ public class ValueConversionException extends MetadataException {
val.toString(), typ.getName(), msg));
public ValueConversionException(String typeName, Object val, String msg) {
super(String.format("Cannot convert value '%s' to datatype %s because: %s",
val.toString(), typeName, msg));
protected ValueConversionException(String msg) {
package org.apache.metadata.dsl
import org.apache.metadata.MetadataService
import org.apache.metadata.types.TypeSystem
import scala.language.dynamics
class DynamicTypedStruct(val ts : TypedStruct) extends Dynamic {
class DynamicTypedStruct(val ts : StructInstance) extends Dynamic {
def selectDynamic(name: String) = ts.get(name)
def updateDynamic(name: String)(value: Any) {
var value1 = value
......@@ -12,5 +14,5 @@ class DynamicTypedStruct(val ts : TypedStruct) extends Dynamic {
ts.set(name, value1)
def dataType = ts.dataType
def dataType = MetadataService.getCurrentTypeSystem.getDataType(ts.getTypeName)
package org.apache.metadata
import org.apache.metadata.json.{BigIntegerSerializer, BigDecimalSerializer, TypedStructSerializer, Serialization}
import org.apache.metadata.types._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ package object dsl {
var j1 = j.asInstanceOf[JObject]
j1 = JObject(JField(Serialization.STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_NAME, JString(typeName)) :: j1.obj)
new DynamicTypedStruct(Extraction.extract[TypedStruct](j1))
new DynamicTypedStruct(Extraction.extract[StructInstance](j1))
def createInstance(typeName : String) = {
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.json4s.native.Serialization.{read, write => swrite}
import org.json4s.reflect.{ScalaType, Reflector}
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.Date
import collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class BigIntegerSerializer extends CustomSerializer[java.math.BigInteger](format
class TypedStructSerializer extends Serializer[TypedStruct] {
class TypedStructSerializer extends Serializer[StructInstance] {
def extractList(lT : ArrayType, value : JArray)(implicit format: Formats) : Any = {
val dT = lT.getElemType
......@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ class TypedStructSerializer extends Serializer[TypedStruct] {
case value : JObject if dT.getTypeCategory eq TypeCategory.MAP =>
extractMap(dT.asInstanceOf[MapType], value.asInstanceOf[JObject])
case value : JObject =>
def deserialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
case (TypeInfo(clazz, ptype), json) if classOf[TypedStruct].isAssignableFrom(clazz) => json match {
case (TypeInfo(clazz, ptype), json) if classOf[StructInstance].isAssignableFrom(clazz) => json match {
case JObject(fs) =>
val(typ, fields) = fs.partition(f => f._1 == Serialization.STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_NAME)
val typName = typ(0)._2.asInstanceOf[JString].s
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class TypedStructSerializer extends Serializer[TypedStruct] {
val s = sT.createInstance()
fields.foreach { f =>
val fName = f._1
val fInfo = sT.fields(fName)
val fInfo = sT.fieldMapping.fields(fName)
if ( fInfo != null ) {
var v = f._2
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class TypedStructSerializer extends Serializer[TypedStruct] {
//implicit def javaBigInteger2bigInt(x: java.math.BigInteger): BigInt = new BigInt(x)
def serialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
case e: TypedStruct =>
val fields = {
case e: StructInstance =>
val fields = {
case (fName, info) => {
var v = e.get(fName)
if ( v != null && (info.dataType().getTypeCategory eq TypeCategory.MAP) ) {
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class TypedStructSerializer extends Serializer[TypedStruct] {
JField(fName, Extraction.decompose(v))
JObject(JField(Serialization.STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_NAME, JString(e.dataType.getName)) :: fields)
JObject(JField(Serialization.STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_NAME, JString(e.dataTypeName)) :: fields)
package org.apache.metadata;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.metadata.types.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
public class StructTest extends BaseTest {
StructType structType;
......@@ -28,7 +20,7 @@ public class StructTest extends BaseTest {
public void test1() throws MetadataException {
Struct s = createStruct(ms);
TypedStruct ts = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED);
StructInstance ts = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED);
......@@ -39,7 +31,7 @@ public class StructTest extends BaseTest {
Struct s2 = new Struct(recursiveStructType.getName());
s2.set("a", 1);
s2.set("s", s1);
TypedStruct ts = recursiveStructType.convert(s2, Multiplicity.REQUIRED);
StructInstance ts = recursiveStructType.convert(s2, Multiplicity.REQUIRED);
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.apache.metadata.dsl
import org.apache.metadata.hive.HiveMockMetadataService
import org.apache.metadata.json.{BigIntegerSerializer, BigDecimalSerializer, TypedStructSerializer}
import org.apache.metadata.{Struct, BaseTest}
import org.apache.metadata.types.{IDataType, Multiplicity, StructType}
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
package org.apache.metadata.json
import org.apache.metadata.Struct
import org.apache.metadata.types.Multiplicity
import org.apache.metadata.types.StructType
import org.apache.metadata.{Struct, BaseTest}
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class SerializationTest extends BaseTest {
@Test def test1 {
val s: Struct = BaseTest.createStruct(ms)
val ts: TypedStruct = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED)
val ts: StructInstance = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED)
println("Typed Struct :")
......@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ class SerializationTest extends BaseTest {
println("Json representation :")
val ts1 = read[TypedStruct](ser)
val ts1 = read[StructInstance](ser)
println("Typed Struct read back:")
@Test def test2 {
val s: Struct = BaseTest.createStruct(ms)
val ts: TypedStruct = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED)
val ts: StructInstance = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED)
implicit val formats = org.json4s.native.Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new TypedStructSerializer +
new BigDecimalSerializer + new BigIntegerSerializer
val ts1 = read[TypedStruct](
val ts1 = read[StructInstance](
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