Commit e8a14849 by kevalbhatt

Revert "ATLAS-712 Support getTrait() API (svimal2106 via kevalbhatt)"

This reverts commit b6e0d60f.
parent b6e0d60f
......@@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ public class AtlasClient {
public static final String URI_NAME_LINEAGE = "lineage/hive/table";
public static final String URI_LINEAGE = "lineage/";
public static final String URI_TRAITS = "traits";
public static final String TRAIT_DEFINITIONS = "traitDefinitions";
public static final String QUERY = "query";
public static final String LIMIT = "limit";
......@@ -494,8 +492,6 @@ public class AtlasClient {
LIST_TRAITS(BASE_URI + URI_ENTITY, HttpMethod.GET, Response.Status.OK),
//Search operations
SEARCH(BASE_URI + URI_SEARCH, HttpMethod.GET, Response.Status.OK),
......@@ -991,33 +987,6 @@ public class AtlasClient {
return extractResults(jsonResponse, AtlasClient.RESULTS, new ExtractOperation<String, String>());
* Get all trait definitions for an entity
* @param guid GUID of the entity
* @return List<String> trait definitions of the traits associated to the entity
* @throws AtlasServiceException
public List<String> listTraitDefinitions(final String guid) throws AtlasServiceException{
return extractResults(jsonResponse, AtlasClient.RESULTS, new ExtractOperation<String, String>());
* Get trait definition for a given entity and traitname
* @param guid GUID of the entity
* @param traitname
* @return trait definition
* @throws AtlasServiceException
public String getTraitDefinition(final String guid, final String traitName) throws AtlasServiceException{
JSONObject jsonResponse = callAPI(API.GET_TRAIT_DEFINITION, null, guid, TRAIT_DEFINITIONS, traitName);
try {
return jsonResponse.getString(AtlasClient.RESULTS);
}catch (JSONException e){
throw new AtlasServiceException(API.GET_TRAIT_DEFINITION, e);
protected class ExtractOperation<T, U> {
T extractElement(U element) throws JSONException {
return (T) element;
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ ATLAS-1060 Add composite indexes for exact match performance improvements for al
ATLAS-1127 Modify creation and modification timestamps to Date instead of Long(sumasai)
ATLAS-712 Support getTrait() API (svimal2106 via kevalbhatt)
ATLAS-1173 Doc: Minor editorial bug in the example given for property atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.auth (yhemanth via shwethags)
ATLAS-1133 Jetty Server start doesn't throw exception when file is not found (nixonrodrigues,svimal2106 via kevalbhatt)
ATLAS-1149 Changes to UI to sort the hive table schema based on "position" attribute of hive_column (Kalyanikashikar via kevalbhatt)
......@@ -639,86 +639,6 @@ public class EntityResource {
* Fetches the trait definitions of all the traits associated to the given entity
* @param guid globally unique identifier for the entity
public Response getTraitDefinitionsForEntity(@PathParam("guid") String guid){
AtlasPerfTracer perf = null;
try {
if(AtlasPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_LOG)) {
perf = AtlasPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_LOG, "EntityResource.getTraitDefinitionsForEntity(" + guid + ")");
LOG.debug("Fetching all trait definitions for entity={}", guid);
final List<String> traitNames = metadataService.getTraitNames(guid);
ArrayList<String> traitDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
for(String trait:traitNames){
String traitDefinition = metadataService.getTraitDefinition(guid, trait);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
response.put(AtlasClient.REQUEST_ID, Servlets.getRequestId());
response.put(AtlasClient.RESULTS, getJSONArray(traitDefinitions));
response.put(AtlasClient.COUNT, traitDefinitions.size());
return Response.ok(response).build();
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e){
LOG.error("An entity with GUID={} does not exist", guid, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND));
} catch (AtlasException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to get trait definitions for entity {}", guid, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable to get trait definitions for entity {}", guid, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
} finally {
* Fetches the trait definition for an entity given its guid and trait name
* @param guid globally unique identifier for the entity
* @param traitName name of the trait
public Response getTraitDefinitionForEntity(@PathParam("guid") String guid, @PathParam("traitName") String traitName){
AtlasPerfTracer perf = null;
try {
if(AtlasPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_LOG)) {
perf = AtlasPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_LOG, "EntityResource.getTraitDefinitionForEntity(" + guid + ", " + traitName + ")");
LOG.debug("Fetching trait definition for entity {} and trait name {}", guid, traitName);
final String traitDefinition = metadataService.getTraitDefinition(guid, traitName);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
response.put(AtlasClient.REQUEST_ID, Servlets.getRequestId());
response.put(AtlasClient.RESULTS, new JSONObject(traitDefinition));
return Response.ok(response).build();
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e){
LOG.error("An entity with GUID={} does not exist", guid, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND));
} catch (AtlasException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to get trait definition for entity {} and trait {}", guid, traitName, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable to get trait definition for entity {} and trait {}", guid, traitName, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
} finally {
* Adds a new trait to an existing entity represented by a guid.
* @param guid globally unique identifier for the entity
......@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ public class EntityJerseyResourceIT extends BaseResourceIT {
private final String TABLE_NAME = "table" + randomString();
private static final String ENTITIES = "api/atlas/entities";
private static final String TRAITS = "traits";
private static final String TRAIT_DEFINITION = "traitDefinitions";
private Referenceable tableInstance;
private Id tableId;
......@@ -527,33 +526,6 @@ public class EntityJerseyResourceIT extends BaseResourceIT {
assertEntityAudit(guid, EntityAuditEvent.EntityAuditAction.TAG_ADD);
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testSubmitEntity")
public void testgetTraitDefinitionForEntity() throws Exception{
traitName = "PII_Trait" + randomString();
HierarchicalTypeDefinition<TraitType> piiTrait =
TypesUtil.createTraitTypeDef(traitName, ImmutableSet.<String>of());
String traitDefinitionAsJSON = TypesSerialization$.MODULE$.toJson(piiTrait, true);
LOG.debug("traitDefinitionAsJSON = " + traitDefinitionAsJSON);
Struct traitInstance = new Struct(traitName);
String traitInstanceAsJSON = InstanceSerialization.toJson(traitInstance, true);
LOG.debug("traitInstanceAsJSON = " + traitInstanceAsJSON);
final String guid = tableId._getId();
ClientResponse clientResponse =
.method(HttpMethod.POST, ClientResponse.class, traitInstanceAsJSON);
Assert.assertEquals(clientResponse.getStatus(), Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode());
List<String> allTraitDefs = serviceClient.listTraitDefinitions(guid);
Assert.assertEquals(allTraitDefs.size(), 9);
String traitDef = serviceClient.getTraitDefinition(guid, traitName);
JSONObject responseAsJSON = new JSONObject(traitDef);
Assert.assertEquals(responseAsJSON.get("typeName"), traitName);
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testAddTrait")
public void testAddExistingTrait() throws Exception {
final String traitName = "PII_Trait" + randomString();
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