#for distributed mode, specify zookeeper quorum here - For more information refer http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/docs/titan/current/hbase.html#_remote_server_mode_2
@@ -33,11 +33,10 @@ enabling hot failover. To minimize service loss, we recommend the following:
---++ Metadata Store
As described above, Atlas uses Titan to store the metadata it manages. By default, Titan uses BerkeleyDB as an embedded
backing store. However, this option would result in loss of data if the node running the Atlas server fails. In order
to provide HA for the metadata store, we recommend that Atlas be configured to use HBase as the backing store for Titan.
Doing this implies that you could benefit from the HA guarantees HBase provides. In order to configure Atlas to use
HBase in HA mode, do the following:
As described above, Atlas uses Titan to store the metadata it manages. By default, Atlas uses a standalone HBase
instance as the backing store for Titan. In order to provide HA for the metadata store, we recommend that Atlas be
configured to use distributed HBase as the backing store for Titan. Doing this implies that you could benefit from the
HA guarantees HBase provides. In order to configure Atlas to use HBase in HA mode, do the following:
* Choose an existing HBase cluster that is set up in HA mode to configure in Atlas (OR) Set up a new HBase cluster in [[http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#quickstart_fully_distributed][HA mode]].
* If setting up HBase for Atlas, please following instructions listed for setting up HBase in the [[InstallationSteps][Installation Steps]].
@@ -86,4 +85,4 @@ to configure Atlas to use Kafka in HA mode, do the following:
---++ Known Issues
* [[https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ATLAS-338][ATLAS-338]]: ATLAS-338: Metadata events generated from a Hive CLI (as opposed to Beeline or any client going !HiveServer2) would be lost if Atlas server is down.
* If the HBase region servers hosting the Atlas ‘titan’ HTable are down, Atlas would not be able to store or retrieve metadata from HBase until they are brought back online.
\ No newline at end of file
* If the HBase region servers hosting the Atlas ‘titan’ HTable are down, Atlas would not be able to store or retrieve metadata from HBase until they are brought back online.