Commit 09e8ad69 by liuxiaoxing


parent c44dd137
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ ry_adplan_name = 'c测试1'
ry_adcreative_name = 'c测试1'
# bytedance_int 今日头条,kuaishou_int 快手,tencentams_int (新)广点通,rryingxiao_int 人人营销
pid = 'rryingxiao_int'
URL = ''
# URL = ''
# URL = ''
URL = ''
# 测试头条衍生事件回调时加上
# callback=
......@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ for index in range(1):
"ry_adcreative_id": ry_adcreative_id,
# "project_id":proiect_id,
# "advert_id":advert_id,
# "project_name": proiect_name,
# "advert_name": advert_name,
# # # # # 账户id
# # "project_name": proiect_name,
# # "advert_name": advert_name,
# # # # # # 账户id
"accountid": accountid,
# 'imei2': 'null',
# 'meid': i
......@@ -217,14 +217,14 @@ for index in range(1):
# print('androidid', a)
w = w + 1
allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().formevent(i, ip, appkey)
except Exception:
print('install_wrong:', w)
w = w + 1
# time.sleep(6)
# try:
# allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey)
# # allEvent().formevent(i, ip, appkey)
# except Exception:
# print('install_wrong:', w)
# w = w + 1
# # # # #
# # # # #
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-RY-Access-Token': 'test_access
# 测试环境
URL_batch = ''
# URL = ''
URL = ''
URL = ''
# URL = ''
# URL = ''
# URL = ''
# URL = ''
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import hashlib
appkey = '16dc0cb882d3dbec4f7f66251a84d6dd'
appkey = '7f43b32bad452c092096136c9be73d09'
# 线上预约app
# 7f64fbd64513bc74aa6b5bf753ae0953
# 16dc0cb882d3dbec4f7f66251a84d6dd
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ appkey = '16dc0cb882d3dbec4f7f66251a84d6dd'
# allEvent().payEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# print("开始时间"'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
for index in range(3):
for index in range(1):
# 随机生成12为数组
s = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(18))
p = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
......@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ def send_request2():
def send_request3(cs):
global parms
# 测试
url1 = '' + cs
# url1 = '' + cs
# 线上
# url1 = '' + cs
url1 = '' + cs
parms['ts'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# parms['ts'] = int(round(time.time()))
......@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ def send_request(cs):
def send_request3(cs):
global parms
# 测试
url1 = '' + cs
# url1 = '' + cs
# 线上
# url1 = '' + cs
url1 = '' + cs
parms['ts'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
response = requests.get(url=url1, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
......@@ -892,6 +892,22 @@ def test_tapcaid():
# 百度凤巢
def test_baiducaid():
i = idfacode()
ip1 = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
clickios.parms['idfa'] = i
clickios.parms['ip'] = ip1
clickios.parms['caid'] = '%5B%7B%22caid%22%3A%5B%7B%22caid%22%3A%2200_B7BCDEBF65DC7891EF044070744B8A66_1DA6AC3170E277A9E76AB0CB4D3E9761%22%2C%22version%22%3A%2200%22%7D%5D%2C%22generateTime%22%3A%221675385532%22%2C%22vendor%22%3A%220%22%7D%2C%7B%22caid%22%3A%5B%7B%22caid%22%3A%22bb789ed6548f50905ffc1957585053f1%22%2C%22version%22%3A%2220220111%22%7D%5D%2C%22generateTime%22%3A%221675385532%22%2C%22vendor%22%3A%221%22%7D%5D'
# 点击存储
def test_at30():
mget = 'b21d0385ad8371de9e90b3e969a5d0c6:'
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ parms = {
def send_requestandroid(hc):
# url1 = '' + hc
url1 = '' + hc
# url1 = '' + hc
url1 = '' + hc
response = requests.get(url=url1, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
......@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ import random
import time
import requests
appkey = '380292be6ea70e2d44ad466ad77c9d6d'
appkey = 'afbb574bc0e1d7326fc92140399509ef'
# cid
cid = '21059'
cid = '21075'
# surl
surl = 'BB7juya'
surl = 'MNreUfa'
# URL = ''
URL = ''
impressionid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
requestid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
s = 0
# for index in range(1):
# # 随机生成12为数组
# i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(28))
# # i = '2539452844786738942022514936'
# # 随机生成ip
# ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# # 打开
# allEvent().openxiaochengxu(i, ip, cid, surl, appkey, impressionid, requestid)
# # # time.sleep(5)
for index in range(5):
# 随机生成12为数组
# i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(28))
i = '64532454323234223'
# 随机生成ip
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# 打开
allEvent().openxiaochengxu(i, ip, cid, surl, appkey, impressionid)
# # # #pv
# # # allEvent().pviaochengxu(i,ip,cid,surl,appkey)
# # # # # #离开
......@@ -42,59 +42,59 @@ s = 0
# allEvent().eventchengxu(i,ip,cid,surl,appkey,event)
for index in range(1):
i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(28))
# i = '1761453021140876860117396099'
# print("开始时间"'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# 随机生成12为数组
# impressionid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
impressionid = '97867544365643'
# requestid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
requestid = '231231232111'
accountid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# 随机生成ip
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# ip = '156.119.456.190'
parms = {
'click_time': str(round(time.time() * 1000)),
# 'click_time': '1667308011000',
# 'wechat_openid': i,
'accountid': accountid,
'ip': ip,
'impression_id': impressionid,
# 'request_id': requestid,
'_ry_adgroup_id': '222',
'_ry_adplan_id': "222",
'_ry_adcreative_id': '222'
# timeout可以超时四秒
# verify = False
p = requests.get(url=URL, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
print('imei:', i)
print("ip:", ip)
# print("accountid:", accountid)
# print("oaid:",o)
print('success:', s)
# print('androidid:',a)
# print(nowTime)
s = s + 1
except Exception as err:
print('wrong:', w)
print('imei:', i)
print("ip:", ip)
# print(p.status_code)
# print('androidid', a)
w = w + 1
# for index in range(1):
# i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(28))
# # i = '1761453021140876860117396099'
# # print("开始时间"'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
# # 随机生成12为数组
# # impressionid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# impressionid = '97867544365643'
# # requestid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# requestid = '231231232111'
# accountid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# # 随机生成ip
# ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# # ip = '156.119.456.190'
# try:
# parms = {
# 'click_time': str(round(time.time() * 1000)),
# # 'click_time': '1667308011000',
# # 'wechat_openid': i,
# 'click_id':'123456789',
# 'accountid': accountid,
# 'ip': ip,
# 'impression_id': impressionid,
# # 'request_id': requestid,
# '_ry_adgroup_id': '222',
# '_ry_adplan_id': "222",
# '_ry_adcreative_id': '222'
# }
# # timeout可以超时四秒
# # verify = False
# p = requests.get(url=URL, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
# print('imei:', i)
# print("ip:", ip)
# # print("accountid:", accountid)
# print(p.text)
# print(p.url)
# # print("oaid:",o)
# print('success:', s)
# print(p.status_code)
# print(p.content)
# # print('androidid:',a)
# # print(nowTime)
# s = s + 1
# except Exception as err:
# print(err)
# print('wrong:', w)
# print('imei:', i)
# print("ip:", ip)
# # print(p.status_code)
# # print('androidid', a)
# w = w + 1
# time.sleep(2)
# try:
......@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ import random
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
# 测试环境
# URL = ''
URL = ''
# 线上环境
# URL = ''
URL = ''
# URL = ''
# URL = ''
# 时间和日期
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