Commit 39217a44 by liuxiaoxing


parent 6211af47
......@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ import hashlib
# from jiami.md5 import get_str_sha1_secret_str
# 向短链发送点击数据
# 广告创意ID
ry_adcreative_id = '333'
ry_adcreative_id = '767556'
# 广告组ID
ry_adgroup_id = '333'
ry_adgroup_id = '564534'
# 广告计划ID
ry_adplan_id = '333'
ry_adplan_id = '3453534'
# 广告组名称
ry_adgroup_name = '新版测试-广告组'
ry_adgroup_name = 'snktt-cz'
# 广告计划名称
ry_adplan_name = '新版测试-计划'
ry_adplan_name = 'snktt-czx-pt-s'
# 广告创意名称
ry_adcreative_name = '新版测试创意'
ry_adcreative_name = 'snktt-czx-p'
# bytedance_int 今日头条,kuaishou_int 快手,tencentams_int (新)广点通,rryingxiao_int 人人营销
pid = 'rryingxiao_int'
URL = ''
URL = ''
# 测试头条衍生事件回调时加上
# callback=
# URL = ''
......@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@ URL = ''
# 7e3aa681f68435b3f74de790d6424690
# 4eab4be709defbfc2cc85826b09caea0
# 6ba2b016f280004d10a1a354e426eceb
appkey = '99624d617e08b7be64a600b56c7af335'
# md5加密
def computeMD5upper(message):
m = hashlib.md5()
return m.hexdigest().upper()
appkey = '8a390227254c03dbcaddbca009cd6e8b'
lst = []
nowTime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
s = 0
......@@ -78,12 +83,13 @@ for index in range(1):
# 随机生成ip
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# ip = '156.119.456.199'
# ip = '156.119.456.190'
parms = {
'click_time':str(round(time.time() * 1000)),
# 'androidid': '86ab7f6642bdde717709216e68d0b',
'imei': i,
'imei_MD5': computeMD5upper(i),
# 'campuuid': '@#¥%……&……%¥#@#¥%&……&*****',
# 'clickid': '测试测试',
# "idfa": '583D2BB0-B19C-4A9A-A600-2A1EB2FB7E30',
......@@ -103,9 +109,9 @@ for index in range(1):
# 'ry_adgroup_name': ry_adgroup_name,
# 'ry_adplan_name': ry_adplan_name,
# 'ry_adcreative_name': ry_adcreative_name,
"ry_adgroup_id": ry_adgroup_id,
"ry_adplan_id": ry_adplan_id,
"ry_adcreative_id": ry_adcreative_id,
# "ry_adgroup_id": ry_adgroup_id,
# "ry_adplan_id": ry_adplan_id,
# "ry_adcreative_id": ry_adcreative_id,
# 'imei2': 'null',
# 'meid': i
# 'bd_vid': i
......@@ -146,6 +152,8 @@ for index in range(1):
# verify = False
p = requests.get(url=URL, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
print('imei:', i)
print('imeimd5:', computeMD5upper(i))
print("ip:", ip)
# print("accountid:", accountid)
......@@ -166,7 +174,7 @@ for index in range(1):
# print('androidid', a)
w = w + 1
# time.sleep(13)
# time.sleep(10)
# try:
# allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey)
# # allEvent().formevent(i, ip, appkey)
......@@ -174,14 +182,14 @@ for index in range(1):
# except Exception:
# print('install_wrong:', w)
# w = w + 1
# time.sleep(5)
# try:
# allEvent().registerEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# except Exception as e:
# print('注册_wrong:', w)
# # print(e)
# print(e)
# time.sleep(4)
# try:
# allEvent().loginEvent(i, ip, appkey)
......@@ -198,6 +206,7 @@ for index in range(1):
# allEvent().payorder(i, ip, appkey)
# except Exception:
# print('订单_wrong:', w)
# time.sleep(10)
# try:
# allEvent().invoke_test(i, ip, appkey)
# except Exception:
......@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ class allEvent:
s = json.dumps({
# "what":'install',
"appid": appkey,
# "appType": "wap",
"context": {
# "_apptype": "wap",
"_carrier": carrier,
"_networkwhat_type": network_type,
"_ryosversion": ryosversion,
......@@ -78,15 +76,15 @@ class allEvent:
"_pkgname": "com.yanjing.yami",
# "_campaignid": 'default',
"_deviceid": i,
# "_imei": i,
'_oaid': '697134960e9ff8df46f21b4f97db595a1',
"_rdid": '09DA91D0664C33DA7BEE7294CCCCCA07',
"_imei": 'E83DC0B76BC1691CB9C45E5A63468660',
# '_oaid': '697134960e9ff8df46f21b4f97db595a1',
# "_rdid": '09DA91D0664C33DA7BEE7294CCCCCA07',
# 'ua': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.0; zh-CN; Nexus 5X Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/40.0.2214.89 UCBrowser/ Mobile Safari/537.36',
"idfa": i,
# "idfa": i,
# "_current_caid": "00_A0FF634AEDF1403205A4A6A1118CDA61_A66338F33BEBB40F5CD65F198AF2F40C",
# "gxid": "876543567543565",
# "_idfv": i,
"_androidid": '86ab7f6642bdde717709216e68d0b',
# "_androidid": '86ab7f6642bdde717709216e68d0b',
# "_imei2":"324323AAAA",
# "_meid": "CCC324323",
"_ip": IP,
......@@ -158,7 +156,7 @@ class allEvent:
# "_deviceid": "5C70287B-27F5-4AC3-9E9C-2D67B8CF1065"
'when': '2021-01-17 23:59:36',
'when': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())),
# time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
# 'ds': ds,
'who': 'lxx_test'
......@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ class allEvent:
def payorder(self, i, IP, appkey):
# 订单号
transactionid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(19))
# transactionid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(19))
transactionid = '765432454364342'
s = json.dumps({
'what': 'order',
'appid': appkey,
......@@ -409,17 +409,17 @@ class allEvent:
p = + 'event', data=s, headers=headers, timeout=5)
print("自定义" + p.text)
# 自定义事件
# 自定义事件
def invoke_test(self, i, IP, appkey):
s = json.dumps({
"what": "invoke",
"appType": "",
"appid": appkey,
"context": {
"_campaignid": "_default_",
# "_campaignid": "_default_",
"_rydevicetype": "iPhone",
"_ip": IP,
# '_oaid':'7c5c102b782c33e',
"_ryosversion": ryosversion,
"_manufacturer": "苹果",
"frequency": "0.000",
......@@ -428,26 +428,25 @@ class allEvent:
"_deviceid": i,
"_device_gps": "unknown",
"_jbk": "0",
"_timestamp": "1565941809351",
"_timestamp": current_time_13,
"_imei": i,
# "_idfa": "DBC43622-E34B-440C-B7A7-FB6641D0D9AB",
"_idfv": i,
# "_idfv": i,
"_lib_version": lv,
"_carrier": carrier,
"_ry_ts": "1565941809416",
"_create_timestamp": "1565941809351",
"_ry_ts": current_time_13,
"_create_timestamp": current_time_13,
"_tz": "+8",
"_pkgname": "com.reyun.sdktrackingtest",
"_ipv6": "fe80::1cf8:ea60:3508:1dc2",
"modify": "0",
# "_ry_origin_when": "2019-08-16 15:50:09",
"_resolution": "736*414",
"_ryos": "iOS",
"_ryos": "android",
"_model": model,
# "_mac": "02:00:00:00:00:00",
"_network_type": "WIFI",
# "_androidid": "5432453421342654",
"_lats": "1"
"where": "event",
......@@ -458,8 +457,8 @@ class allEvent:
p = + 'event', data=s, headers=headers, timeout=5)
print("自定义" + p.text)
# 广告展示
# 广告展示
def adshow(self, i, IP, appkey, adid):
s = json.dumps({
"appid": appkey,
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import hashlib
appkey = 'f3f4db967187590e6c0b5cc158106788'
appkey = 'ae6f9fb7e7bc336bffb63de711c7bec0'
# 线上预约app
# 7f64fbd64513bc74aa6b5bf753ae0953
# 16dc0cb882d3dbec4f7f66251a84d6dd
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ appkey = 'f3f4db967187590e6c0b5cc158106788'
# ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# allEvent().payEvent(i, ip, appkey)
for index in range(1):
# 随机生成12为数组
s = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(18))
......@@ -37,18 +38,18 @@ for index in range(1):
# p = '987654321234567'
# s = '2321321312h8ro321'
# i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
i = '583D2BB0-B19C-4A9A-A600-2A1EB2FB7E30'
i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# i = '885709229829'
# i = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
# 随机生成ipXXXX XXCB489741-0029-4A35-8E38-D142F836B623
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# ip = ''
# ip = ''
# 地域测试ip
# 新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番市
# 广西壮族自治区北海市
# 宁夏回族自治区银川市
allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey)
# time.sleep(1)
allEvent().startupEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# # time.sleep(1)
# allEvent().loginEvent(i, ip, appkey)
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ for index in range(1):
# time.sleep(1)
# num = index + 1
# event = 'event_' + str(num)
# event = 'event_10'
# # event = 'event_10'
# allEvent().ziding_event(i, ip, appkey, event)
# print(s)
# s = int(s) + 1
......@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ for index in range(1):
# allEvent().adclick(i,ip,appkey,adid)
# allEvent().pageduration(i,ip,appkey,se,p)
# allEvent().appduration(i,ip,appkey,s)
# allEvent().invoke_tewst(i,ip,appkey)
# allEvent().invoke_test(i,ip,appkey)
# allEvent().retentionEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().formevent(i,ip,appkey)
......@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ appkey = '16dc0cb882d3dbec4f7f66251a84d6dd'
# 4b25b8a4dc584e63e9a7b81c3adedf2f
# event = 'event_10'
cmpaignid = '233445'
cmpaignid = '112233'
for index in range(1):
# 随机生成12为数组
# i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
i = '691007221237'
i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# i = '691007221237'
# 随机生成ip
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# ip = ''
# allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey, cmpaignid)
allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey, cmpaignid)
# time.sleep(3)
# allEvent().loginEvent(i, ip, appkey)
allEvent().orderEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().orderEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# time.sleep(1)
# num = index + 1
# event = 'event_' + str(num)
# allEvent().ziding_event(i, ip, appkey,event)
allEvent().payEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().payEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().registerEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().invoke_test(i, ip, appkey,cmpaignid)
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import string
URL = ''
appkey = 'f3f4db967187590e6c0b5cc158106788'
URL = ''
appkey = '3f2706b7afdf89d95ffa7d2e9cc13e2e'
# URL = ''
event = 'event_1'
event = 'invoke'
# 广告创意ID
ry_adcreative_id = '8886453253'
# 广告组ID
......@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ for _ in range(1):
print('idfa:', i)
print('ip', ip)
allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey)
# allEvent().formevent(i, ip, appkey)
except Exception:
print('install_wrong:', w)
w = w + 1
# time.sleep(10)
# try:
# allEvent().installUpload(i, ip, appkey)
# # allEvent().formevent(i, ip, appkey)
# except Exception:
# print('install_wrong:', w)
# w = w + 1
# time.sleep(3)
# try:
# allEvent().adshow(i, ip, appkey,adid)
......@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ for _ in range(1):
# allEvent().loginEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# except Exception:
# print('登录_wrong:', w)
# time.sleep(5)
# try:
# allEvent().ziding_event(i, ip, appkey, event)
# except Exception as err:
# print(err)
# print('自定义_wrong:', w)
allEvent().ziding_event(i, ip, appkey, event)
except Exception as err:
print('自定义_wrong:', w)
# time.sleep(10)
# try:
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import random
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
URL = ''
# URL = ''
# URL = ''
URL = ''
# URL = ''
......@@ -91,50 +91,50 @@ class allEvent:
# + deviceId有归因结果asa_install_type = old_download对应1
# + deviceId无归因结果asa_install_type = new_download对应2
# # 转化类型,新增或重装,Download 或 Redownload
# "iad-conversion-type": "Download",
# # 广告活动组ID(campaign group id)
# "iad-org-id": "432432432",
# # 广告活动组名称(campaign group name)
# "iad-org-name": "name",
# # 广告活动ID
# "iad-campaign-id": "111",
# # 广告活动名称
# "iad-campaign-name": "CampaignName",
# # 广告组ID
# "iad-adgroup-id": "111111",
# # 广告组名称
# "iad-adgroup-name": "AdGroupName",
# # 关键词 id
# "iad-keyword-id": "111",
# # 关键词
# "iad-keyword": "Keyword",
# # 素材ID
# "iad-creativeset-id": "111",
# # 素材名称
# "iad-creativeset-name": "CreativeSetName",
# # 点击ASA广告时间
# "iad-click-date": '2021-06-24T11:32:33Z',
# # 本次下载完成的时间(仅ASA转化时,该值传且必传)
# "iad-conversion-date": when,
# # Broad 广泛匹配 ; Exact 完全匹配;SearchMatch 搜索匹配
# # 关键词匹配类型
# "iad-keyword-matchtype": "SearchMatch",
# #首次下载完成的时间(有可能包括非ASA转化,当为redownload且conversion date有值时,purchase date是第一次下载App的时间)
# "iad-purchase-date": '2021-06-24T11:32:33Z',
# # 归因结果
# "iad-attribution": "true",
# # 国家
# "iad-country-or-region": "US",
"iad-conversion-type": "Download",
# 广告活动组ID(campaign group id)
"iad-org-id": "123456789",
# 广告活动组名称(campaign group name)
"iad-org-name": "name",
# 广告活动ID
"iad-campaign-id": "111",
# 广告活动名称
"iad-campaign-name": "CampaignName",
# 广告组ID
"iad-adgroup-id": "111111",
# 广告组名称
"iad-adgroup-name": "AdGroupName",
# 关键词 id
"iad-keyword-id": "111",
# 关键词
"iad-keyword": "Keyword",
# 素材ID
"iad-creativeset-id": "111",
# 素材名称
"iad-creativeset-name": "CreativeSetName",
# 点击ASA广告时间
"iad-click-date": '2021-06-24T11:32:33Z',
# 本次下载完成的时间(仅ASA转化时,该值传且必传)
"iad-conversion-date": when,
# Broad 广泛匹配 ; Exact 完全匹配;SearchMatch 搜索匹配
# 关键词匹配类型
"iad-keyword-matchtype": "SearchMatch",
#首次下载完成的时间(有可能包括非ASA转化,当为redownload且conversion date有值时,purchase date是第一次下载App的时间)
"iad-purchase-date": '2021-06-24T11:32:33Z',
# 归因结果
"iad-attribution": "true",
# 国家
"iad-country-or-region": "US",
# 'asa_install_time':'2021-06-24T11:32:33Z',
......@@ -385,7 +385,8 @@ class allEvent:
'_ryosversion': ryosversion,
'__model': 'jixing',
"_lib_version": lv,
'_key_action_category': '1', '_key_action_threshold': '15',
'_key_action_category': '1',
'_key_action_threshold': '15',
# 识别是否为自定义事件,默认传1
'_isreyundefaultevent': '1'
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import string
import time
appkey = '44b56e7b7369d13643ec8961f6998b9b'
appkey = '6012db28b7fbdfcb1e3a847756137f9b'
event = 'event_1'
for index in range(1):
for index in range(30):
# 随机生成12为数组
a = "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8))
b = "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 4))
......@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ for index in range(1):
d = "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 4))
e = "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 12))
# i = (a + "-" + b + "-" + c + "-" + d + "-" + e).upper()
i = '583D2BB0-B19C-4A9A-A600-2A1EB2FB7E39'
i = (a + "-" + b + "-" + c + "-" + d + "-" + e).upper()
# i = '583D2BB0-B19C-4A9A-A600-2A1EB2FB7E39'
adid = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# 随机生成ip
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# ip = ''
# allEvent().installUpload(i,ip,appkey)
# allEvent().startupEvent(i, ip, appkey)
# time.sleep(10)
# allEvent().loginEvent(i, ip, appkey)
......@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ for index in range(1):
# time.sleep(1)
# allEvent().payorder(i, ip, appkey)
# time.sleep(3)
# num = index + 1
# event = 'event_' + str(num)
# allEvent().ziding_event(i, ip, appkey, event)
num = index + 1
event = 'event_' + str(num)
allEvent().ziding_event(i, ip, appkey, event)
# print(event)
# allEvent().adshow(i,ip,appkey,adid)
# allEvent().adclick(i,ip,appkey,adid)
......@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ global data
data = [
"application_info": {
"appkey": "700bdf6f8e628686dc9fffccf6ebe58b",
# 线上-a8ed96ae9051499fd98bc46ab9c9495c
# 测试-decbeb4d840b4bcd1a068ca7233e6ac2
"appkey": "a8ed96ae9051499fd98bc46ab9c9495c",
"bundleid": "3423232",
"app_version": "1.9.0",
"channel_name": "HUAWEI"
......@@ -98,6 +100,22 @@ data_temp = json.dumps(data)
def send_request():
global data
# url = ""
url = ""
# data[0]['timestamp_info']['install_time'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
# 全局data
data = json.loads(data_temp)
response = json.loads(response.text)
s = str(response["status"])
response["status"] = s
return response
def send_request2():
global data
url = ""
data[0]['timestamp_info']['install_time'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
......@@ -113,7 +131,9 @@ def send_request():
def send_requests2s():
global data
url = ""
# url = ""
url = ""
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
# 全局data
......@@ -1805,11 +1825,11 @@ def test_is_rendered3():
assert response["status"] == "158"
# custom_params为空
def test_custom_params():
data[0]['event_info']['custom_params'] = ''
response = send_request()
assert response["status"] == "0"
# custom_params为空,已在postman执行
# def test_custom_params():
# data[0]['event_info']['custom_params'] = ""
# response = send_request()
# assert response["status"] == "0"
# custom_params下有特殊字符(key限制数字、大小写字符、下划线)
......@@ -1867,14 +1887,14 @@ def test_custom_params3():
assert response["status"] == "0"
def test_pl():
for index in range(1000):
newlist = ['install', 'startup', 'register', 'login', 'order', 'purchase', 'adclick']
for event in newlist:
data[0]["event_info"]['event_data']['ad_price_currency_type'] = 'CNY'
data[0]['event_info']['event_name'] = event
response = send_request()
assert response["status"] == "0"
# def test_pl():
# for index in range(1000):
# newlist = ['install', 'startup', 'register', 'login', 'order', 'purchase', 'adclick']
# for event in newlist:
# data[0]["event_info"]['event_data']['ad_price_currency_type'] = 'CNY'
# data[0]['event_info']['event_name'] = event
# response = send_request()
# assert response["status"] == "0"
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ import json
import pytest
import time
url = ""
# url = ""
chaochang = '543214223221321321312131313133132131232131232132132543214223221321321312131313133132131232131232132132543214223221321321312131313133132131232131232132132'
headers = {
......@@ -14,7 +15,9 @@ global data
data = [
"application_info": {
"appkey": "22e7d9a67fd54ecb5b298ab7fbb1fb7c",
# 线上-55705dbd45dd246751b87bba94b8c73c
# 测试-678ca51be65b91dfdd86293af9cfbe31
"appkey": "55705dbd45dd246751b87bba94b8c73c",
"bundleid": "3423232",
"app_version": "1.9.0",
"channel_name": "default"
......@@ -84,10 +87,14 @@ data_temp = json.dumps(data)
def send_request():
global data
url = ""
# 测试
# url = ""
# 线上
url = ""
data[0]['timestamp_info']['install_time'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
data[0]['timestamp_info']['current_event_time'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# print(data)
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
# 全局data
......@@ -101,6 +108,8 @@ def send_request():
def send_request2():
global data
url = ""
# 线上
url = ""
data[0]['timestamp_info']['install_time'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
data[0]['timestamp_info']['current_event_time'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# print(data)
......@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ parms = {
# # 广告组名称。限制256字符内。都选传
# 'adgroup_name': '',
# # 广告计划id。限制64字符内。都选传
# 'adplan_id': '',
'adplan_id': '342312312',
# # 广告计划名称。限制256字符内。都选传
# 'adplan_name': '',
# # 广告创意id。限制128字符内。都选传
# 'adcreative_id': '',
'adcreative_id': '1111',
# # 广告创意名称。限制256字符内。都选传
# 'adcreative_name': '',
# # 创意类型(例如大图、小图、视频等)。限制16字符内。都选传
# 'adcreative_type': '',
'adcreative_type': '大图',
# # 流量媒体id(例如巨量的今日头条、穿山甲、抖音等)。限制32字符内。都选传
# 'site_id': '',
# # 流量媒体名称(例如巨量的今日头条、穿山甲、抖音等)。限制128字符内。都选传
......@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ parms = {
# # 广告类型(例如开屏、信息流、搜索等)。限制32字符内。都选传。
# 'ad_type': '',
# # 广告位id。限制64字符内。都选传
# 'placement_id': '',
'placement_id': '222',
# # 转化id。限制64字符内。都选传
# 'conversion_id': '',
'conversion_id': '333',
# # 广告点击id。限制64字符内。都选传
# 'click_id': '',
'click_id': '765432354634',
# # 广告展示id。限制64字符内。都选传
# 'impression_id': '',
'impression_id': '444',
# # 广告请求id。限制64字符内。都选传
# 'request_id': '',
# # 渠道回调id。限制256字符。都选传
# 'callback_id': 'EJiw267wvfQCGKf2g74ZIPD89-vIATAMOAFCIjIwMTkxMTI3MTQxMTEzMDEwMDI2MDc3MjE1MTUwNTczNTBIAQ==',
'callback_id': 'EJiw267wvfQCGKf2g74ZIPD89-vIATAMOAFCIjIwMTkxMTI3MTQxMTEzMDEwMDI2MDc3MjE1MTUwNTczNTBIAQ==',
# 渠道回调地址。限制256字符。都选传
'callback_url': '',
'callback_url': '',
# 自定触点参数集合。都选传。
# 'custom_params_1': ''
......@@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ data_temp = json.dumps(parms)
# print(p.url)
# print(p.status_code)
# print(p.content)
def send_request(dl, cs):
def send_request(cs):
global parms
url1 = '' + dl + cs
# url1 = '' + cs
url1 = '' + cs
response = requests.get(url=url1, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
parms = json.loads(data_temp)
......@@ -95,9 +97,10 @@ def send_request(dl, cs):
def send_request3(dl, cs):
def send_request3(cs):
global parms
url1 = '' + dl + cs
# url1 = '' + cs
url1 = '' + cs
parms['ts'] = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
response = requests.get(url=url1, params=parms, timeout=10, verify=False)
......@@ -111,55 +114,55 @@ def send_request3(dl, cs):
# idfa为空
def test_idfa1():
parms['idfa'] = ''
re = send_request('QJZfmma', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfa为全0
def test_idfa2():
parms['idfa'] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfa为32字符
def test_idfa3():
parms['idfa'] = '3DEA635F-B24F-434B-833F-4ED028FEAEEF'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfa非32字符
def test_idfa4():
parms['idfa'] = zf35
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 124
# idfa_md5为空
def test_idfa_md51():
parms['idfa_md5'] = ''
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfa_md5为全0 md5加密
def test_idfa_md52():
parms['idfa_md5'] = '9f89c84a559f573636a47ff8daed0d33'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfa_md5为32字符
def test_idfa_md53():
parms['idfa_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfa_md5非32字符
def test_idfa_md54():
parms['idfa_md5'] = zf35
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 187
......@@ -168,27 +171,27 @@ def test_idfa_md54():
# idfv为空
def test_idfv1():
parms['idfv'] = ''
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfv为全0
def test_idfv2():
parms['idfv'] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfv为32字符
def test_idfv3():
parms['idfv'] = '3DEA635F-B24F-434B-833F-4ED028FEAEEF'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfv非32字符
def test_idfv4():
parms['idfv'] = zf35
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 125
......@@ -196,28 +199,28 @@ def test_idfv4():
# idfv_md5为空
def test_idfv_md51():
parms['idfv_md5'] = ''
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfv_md5为全0 md5加密
def test_idfv_md52():
parms['idfv_md5'] = '9f89c84a559f573636a47ff8daed0d33'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfv_md5为32字符
def test_idfv_md53():
parms['idfa_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 0
# idfv_md5非32字符
def test_idfv_md54():
parms['idfv_md5'] = zf35
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 188
......@@ -225,21 +228,21 @@ def test_idfv_md54():
# 短链是ios,传oaid
def test_oaid():
parms['oaid'] = '3DEA635F-B24F-434B-833F-4ED028FEAEE'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传oaid_md5
def test_oaid_md5():
parms['oaid_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传imei1
def test_imei1():
parms['imei1'] = '8342732742383'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
......@@ -247,35 +250,35 @@ def test_imei1():
# 短链是ios,传imei1_md5
def test_imei1_md5():
parms['imei1_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传imei2
def test_imei2():
parms['imei2'] = '8342732742383'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传imei2_md5
def test_imei2_md5():
parms['imei2_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传gaid
def test_gaid():
parms['gaid'] = 'B21C5EC5-9921-42FD-AAC5-07A0EB6CF1A0'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传gaid_md5
def test_gaid_md5():
parms['gaid_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
......@@ -283,7 +286,7 @@ def test_gaid_md5():
# 短链是ios,传mac
def test_mac():
parms['mac'] = 'B21C5EC5-9921-42FD-AAC5-07A0EB6CF1A0'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
......@@ -291,14 +294,14 @@ def test_mac():
# 短链是ios,传mac_md5
def test_mac_md5():
parms['mac_md5'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
# 短链是ios,传android_id
def test_android_id():
parms['android_id'] = '1a34fc556a43c453'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
......@@ -306,7 +309,7 @@ def test_android_id():
# 短链是ios,传android_id_md5
def test_android_id_md5():
parms['android_id'] = '8e488a40a17aed2f6752f51382a4eafc'
re = send_request('nEFnQra', '')
re = send_request('')
assert re["status"] == 115
......@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ import random
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
current_time_13 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# URL_install = ''
# URL_install = ''
URL_install = ''
class allEvent:
# 激活
......@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ import socket
import struct
import random
import time
# appkey = '16dc0cb882d3dbec4f7f66251a84d6dd'
# for _ in range(1):
# # 随机生成12为数组
# # i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
# i = '352745509625'
# # 随机生成ip
# ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# # ip = ''
# # allEvent().ziding_event(i,ip,appkey,event)
# allEvent().dp_imei(i, appkey)
# # allEvent().dp_ios(i, appkey)
appkey = '3f2706b7afdf89d95ffa7d2e9cc13e2e'
for _ in range(1):
# 随机生成12为数组
# i = ''.join(str(random.choice(range(10))) for _ in range(12))
i = '581386117745'
# 随机生成ip
ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
# ip = ''
# allEvent().ziding_event(i,ip,appkey,event)
allEvent().dp_imei(i, appkey)
# allEvent().dp_ios(i, appkey)
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