Commit 181ab5ad by manxiaoqiang


parent dfc6a18c
......@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
<bean id="ioAccountTaskCheck" class="userio.task.IOAccountCheck"></bean>
<task:scheduled ref="ioAccountTaskCheck" method="task" cron="0 10 10 * * ?"/>
<task:scheduled ref="ioAccountTaskCheck" method="task" cron="0 */5 * * * ?"/>
<bean id="accountTaskCheck" class="tkio.task.AccountCheck"></bean>
<task:scheduled ref="accountTaskCheck" method="task" cron="0 10 10 * * ?"/>
<task:scheduled ref="accountTaskCheck" method="task" cron="0 */5 * * * ?"/>
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