Commit d9bd5723 by kangxiaoshan


parent 33e33b10
......@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ public class ContractController {
Contract contract1 = service.create(loginAccount, contract);
NewUserLogThread userlog = new NewUserLogThread(loginAccount.getEmail(), loginAccount.getName(), OperateObjectTypeEnum.CUSTOMER.getKey(), contract1.getContractCode(), "新建合同","",contract1.toString(), request, platform);
ContractSendEmailThread email = new ContractSendEmailThread(contract);
// ContractSendEmailThread email = new ContractSendEmailThread(contract);
// email.start();
return ResultModel.OK(contract1);
......@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ public class ContractController {
@RequestMapping(value = "code/all", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResultModel contractCodeAll( @PathVariable String platform) {
public ResultModel contractCodeAll( @PathVariable String platform,String contractId) {
return ResultModel.OK(service.contractCodeAll(platform));
return ResultModel.OK(service.contractCodeAll(platform,contractId));
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class Contract {
* 新增字段 20190427
private Long discountFlow; // 优惠流量
// private Long discountFlow; // 优惠流量
private Long discountTimeLong; // 优惠时长
private BigDecimal rebateMoney; //回款金额
......@@ -355,13 +355,13 @@ public class Contract {
this.createName = createName;
public Long getDiscountFlow() {
return discountFlow;
public void setDiscountFlow(Long discountFlow) {
this.discountFlow = discountFlow;
// public Long getDiscountFlow() {
// return discountFlow;
// }
// public void setDiscountFlow(Long discountFlow) {
// this.discountFlow = discountFlow;
// }
public Long getDiscountTimeLong() {
return discountTimeLong;
......@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ import java.util.List;
public interface ContractRelationRepository extends JpaRepository<ContractRelation, Long> {
@Query(value = "select relation_id from contract_relation where main_contract = ?1",nativeQuery = true)
@Query(value = "select relation_id id from contract_relation where main_contract = ?1 union all select main_contract id from contract_relation where relation_id = ?1",nativeQuery = true)
List<Long> findRelationIds(String contractId);
@Query(value = "select * from contract_relation where main_contract = ?1 and relation_id = ?2 and platform = ?3",nativeQuery = true)
ContractRelation findByRelationData(Long mainContract, Long relationId, String platform);
@Query(value = "select * from contract_relation where main_contract = ?1 ",nativeQuery = true)
List<ContractRelation> findRelationIdsMain(String contractId);
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
......@@ -19,10 +20,10 @@ public interface ContractRepository extends JpaRepository<Contract, Long> {
@Query(value="select count(*) from contract where email = ?1 and platform = ?2",nativeQuery=true)
BigInteger countNumByEmail(String email, String platfrom);
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
List<Contract> findByDs(String startDate, String endDate, String platfrom);
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and create_account in ?4 order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and create_account in ?4 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
List<Contract> findByDsAndRoile(String startDate, String endDate, String platfrom, List<Long> userids);
@Query(value="select * from contract where contract_code = ?1",nativeQuery=true)
......@@ -52,15 +53,19 @@ public interface ContractRepository extends JpaRepository<Contract, Long> {
@Query(value = "select count(*) from contract where my_body_code = ?1",nativeQuery = true)
BigInteger findcountContract(String platform);
@Query(value = "select new map( as id, c.contractCode as contractCode ) from Contract c where c.platform = ?1 and c.contractCode is not null and c.contractCode <> 'null'")
List<Map> contractCodePlatform(String platform);
@Query(value = "select new map( as id, c.contractCode as contractCode ) from Contract c where c.platform in ?1 and c.contractCode is not null and c.contractCode <> 'null'")
List<Map> contractCodePlatform(List<String> platform);
@Query(value = "select * from contract where platform = ?1 and contract_code = ?2",nativeQuery = true)
Contract findByCodePlatform(String contractCode, String platform);
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and id in ?4 order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
List<Contract> findByDsRelation(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, List<Long> contractIds);
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform in ?3 and id in ?4 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
List<Contract> findByDsRelation(String startDate, String endDate, List<String> platform, List<Long> contractIds);
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and create_account in ?4 and id in ?5 order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
List<Contract> findByDsAndRoileRelation(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, List<Long> create_account, List<Long> contractIds);
@Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform in ?3 and create_account in ?4 and id in ?5 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true)
List<Contract> findByDsAndRoileRelation(String startDate, String endDate, List<String> platform, List<Long> create_account, List<Long> contractIds);
@Query(value = "select new map( as id, c.contractCode as contractCode ) from Contract c where c.platform in ?1 and c.contractCode is not null and c.contractCode <> 'null' ")
List<Contract> contractCodePlatformNot(List<String> plats, List<Long> ids);
......@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ public interface ContractService {
List<TradeType> getTradeData(String platform);
List<Map> contractCodeAll(String platform);
List<Map> contractCodeAll(String platform, String contractId);
List<Contract> findAllContract(User loginAccount, String startDate, String endDate, String platform, String contractId);
// List<Contract> findAllContract(User loginAccount, String startDate, String endDate, String platform, String contractId);
Contract contractStatusUpdate(String platform, String contractId, String status);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package tkio.task;
import common.model.Account4Web;
import common.repository.Account4WebRepository;
import common.task.SyncAppDataTask;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
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