@Query(value="select * from ionotice n where n.isdeploy is true and (io_account like %?1% or io_account = '-1') order by deploy_date desc",nativeQuery=true)
// @Query(value = "select * from ionotice n where n.isdeploy is true and (io_account like %?1% or io_account = '-1') order by deploy_date desc", nativeQuery = true)
@Query(value="select * from ionotice n where n.isdeploy is true and n.modify_date>= ?1 and (io_account='-1' or io_account like CONCAT('%<',?2,'>%')) union select * from ionotice where is_top=1 and isdeploy is true and modify_date< ?1 and (io_account='-1' or io_account like CONCAT('%<',?2,'>%')) order by modify_date desc"