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package com.reyun.service.impl;

import com.reyun.dic.LanguageTypeEnum;
import com.reyun.dic.RecycleChannelEnum;
import com.reyun.model.Account;
import com.reyun.model.AdvancedFunctionApply;
import com.reyun.model.RecycleChannelAccount;
import com.reyun.repository.AccountRepository;
import com.reyun.repository.RecycleChannelAccountRepository;
import com.reyun.service.AdvancedFunctionApplyService;
import com.reyun.service.RecycleHandleService;
import com.reyun.task.EmailThread;
import com.reyun.util.Constant;
import com.reyun.util.ResultModel;
import com.reyun.util.ResultStatus;
import com.reyun.util.StringUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

 * Created by Lzz on 18/8/31.
 * 回本分析service实现类(公共处理)
public class RecycleCommonServiceImpl{

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecycleCommonServiceImpl.class);

    private AccountRepository accountRepository;
    private RecycleChannelAccountRepository recycleChannelAccountRepository;
    private RecycleUcttServiceImpl ucttService;
    private RecycleBaiduServiceImpl baiduService;
    private AdvancedFunctionApplyService advancedFunctionApplyService;

    private  static ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);

     * @param recycleChannelAccount
     * 不可用账号发送邮件推送
    public  void sendDisableAcountEmail( RecycleChannelAccount recycleChannelAccount){
        if(recycleChannelAccount != null){
            String channelName = recycleChannelAccount.getChannelName();
            Account account = accountRepository.findOne(recycleChannelAccount.getRootAccount());
            String accountEmail = account != null ? account.getEmail() : "";
            String channelAccount = recycleChannelAccount.getUserName();
            String failMes = recycleChannelAccount.getLoginFailMes();
            String failCustomeMes = "账号授权被中止,如密码被修改或需要重新输入验证码";//用户的错误信息统一翻译

            String reyunTitle = channelName+"渠道客户授权失效";
            String reyunContent = "您好,客户"+accountEmail+"在回本分析功能中,绑定的"
            List<String> reyunReceiver = new ArrayList<>();


            EmailThread reyunEmailThread = new EmailThread(reyunTitle, reyunContent, reyunReceiver);

			String customerTitle = channelName+"渠道授权失效";
			String customerContent = "您好,您的"+accountEmail+"账号在回本分析功能中,绑定的"+channelName+"渠道的投放账号:"+channelAccount+",身份验证失败。失败原因为"+failCustomeMes+",请打开此链接http://www."+Constant.getDomainStr()+"/index.html#/manage/accountauth查看并及时处理(重新授权验证)。";
			List<String> customerReceiver = new ArrayList<>();

                customerTitle = "Authorization failure of partner " + channelName;

                customerContent = "Hi, a failed authentication was detected for the injecting account "+accountEmail+"of partner "+channelName
                        +", which was bound by account "+channelAccount+",in the payback analysis function. The cause of failure is "+
                        failCustomeMes+". Please click this link http://"+Constant.getDomainStr()+"/index.html#/manage/accountauth to check and timely process it (reauthorization)";


            EmailThread emailThread = new EmailThread(customerTitle, customerContent, customerReceiver);

     * @param advancedFunctionApply
     * 回本分析付费用户过期提醒
    public  void sendAdvancePastEmail( AdvancedFunctionApply advancedFunctionApply, int day){
        if(advancedFunctionApply != null){
            String title = "回本分析付费即将到期提醒";
            String content = "您好,你购买的“回本分析完整版”还有"+day+"天到期,到期后将选择"+RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT+"个渠道为您恢复为“普通版”,其他渠道投放账号停用。为了不影响您的使用,请及时续费。";
            Account account = accountRepository.findOne(advancedFunctionApply.getAccount());
            String customerEmail = account.getEmail();
            List<String> reyunReceiver = new ArrayList<>();

                title = "Expiration reminder for paid payback analysis ";

                content = "Hi, your “full version payback analysis” will be expired in "+day
                        +"days. After expiration, you’ll return to the “basic version” with "+RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT
                        +" partners available and other partner injecting accounts disabled. To ensure your normal use, please renew timely.";


            EmailThread reyunEmailThread = new EmailThread(title, content, reyunReceiver);

     * @param account
     * @param recycleChannelAccount
     * @return  账号与账号别名唯一性校验(因为数据库中uniqueAccount(username与channel_account_id也是各自唯一)唯一索引,所以此处最多返回一个对象),校验成功返回null
    public ResultModel usernameAndchannelAliasLimitOne(Account account, RecycleChannelAccount recycleChannelAccount){

        boolean usernameExist = recycleChannelAccount != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(recycleChannelAccount.getUserName());
        boolean channelAliasExist = recycleChannelAccount != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(recycleChannelAccount.getChannelAlias());

        boolean isUpdate = recycleChannelAccount != null && recycleChannelAccount.getId() != null;

        if(usernameExist && !isUpdate){//修改不做账号校验(因为修改账号不会重置)
            RecycleChannelAccount channelAccount = recycleChannelAccountRepository.findByRootAccountIdAndUserNameAndCid(account.getRootParent(),recycleChannelAccount.getUserName(),recycleChannelAccount.getCid());

            if(channelAccount != null && account.getRootParent().equals(channelAccount.getRootAccount())){//创建主账户相同
                return  ResultModel.ERROR(ResultStatus.RECYCLE_USERNAME_NOT_UNIQUE);

            List<RecycleChannelAccount> channelAccounts = recycleChannelAccountRepository.findRootAccountidAndChannelAliasAndCid(account.getRootParent(), recycleChannelAccount.getChannelAlias(),recycleChannelAccount.getCid());

            long currentAccount = account.getRootParent();
            RecycleChannelAccount channelAccount = channelAccounts != null && channelAccounts.size() > 0 ? channelAccounts.get(0) : null;
            long recordAccount = channelAccount  != null ? channelAccount.getRootAccount(): -2L;
            boolean accountIsOne = currentAccount == recordAccount;
            boolean recordIsOne = channelAccount != null && recycleChannelAccount != null ? channelAccount.getId().equals(recycleChannelAccount.getId()) :  false;//校验记录是不是一个
            boolean channelAliasNotUnique = channelAccounts != null && accountIsOne && !recordIsOne;
                return  ResultModel.ERROR(ResultStatus.RECYCLE_CHANNELALIAS_NOT_UNIQUE);

        return  null;

     * @param recycleChannelEnum
     * @return 获取真正的逻辑层对象
    public RecycleHandleService getRealRecycleService(RecycleChannelEnum recycleChannelEnum){
        RecycleHandleService recycleHandleService = null;
        switch (recycleChannelEnum){
            case UCTT:
                recycleHandleService = ucttService;
            case BAIDUYS:
                recycleHandleService = baiduService;
            default: recycleHandleService = null;

        return recycleHandleService;

     * @param account
     * @return 校验渠道是否超限(免费版与付费过期以后均不显示全部渠道) true 超出限制  false 不超限制{
     *     备注:免费版最多3个渠道,每个渠道最多3个账号
     * }
    public Boolean checkChannelNumberLimit(Account account, RecycleChannelAccount recycleChannelAccount) {

        Boolean result = false;

        List<BigInteger> cids = recycleChannelAccountRepository.findCidsByAccount(account.getRootParent());

        List<RecycleChannelAccount> channelAccounts = recycleChannelAccountRepository.findEnableAccount(account.getRootParent());
        Map<BigInteger, Integer> cidAndCountMap = operateAccountCountByCid(channelAccounts, cids);

        boolean isUpdate = recycleChannelAccount != null && recycleChannelAccount.getId() != null;

        long channelNumber = cidAndCountMap != null ? cidAndCountMap.size() : 0;
        Long cid = recycleChannelAccount != null ? recycleChannelAccount.getCid() : 0;//需要校验的cid
        boolean cidIsExist = cidAndCountMap != null ? checkCidExist(cidAndCountMap,cid) : false;
        boolean accountNumOver = checkChannelAccountNumOver(cidAndCountMap, cid, isUpdate);//单渠道账户数超限
        boolean channelNumOver = false;//渠道数超限

        if (channelNumber > 0) {
            AdvancedFunctionApply advancedFunctionApply = advancedFunctionApplyService.listApplyByAccount(account);
            if (null != advancedFunctionApply) {

                if (advancedFunctionApply.getStatus().equals(0) ||  new Date().after(advancedFunctionApply.getPastDate())) {
                    //申请未审核 或者 已过期
                    channelNumOver = channelNumber > RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT ||
                            (cidIsExist && channelNumber == RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT && !isUpdate) || (!cidIsExist && channelNumber == RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT);
                    accountNumOver = false;//付费用户不存在个数限制
                channelNumOver = channelNumber > RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT ||
                        (cidIsExist && channelNumber == RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT && !isUpdate) || (!cidIsExist && channelNumber == RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT);
        result = channelNumOver || accountNumOver;
        return result;

     * @param cidAndCountMap
     * @param cid
     * @return 校验渠道是否是已有渠道 true是  false否
    private boolean checkCidExist(Map<BigInteger, Integer> cidAndCountMap , long cid){
        boolean result = false;
        Set<BigInteger> cids = cidAndCountMap != null ? cidAndCountMap.keySet() : null;

        for(BigInteger singleCid : cids){
            if(singleCid.longValue() == cid){
                result = true;
        return  result;


     * @param cidAndCountMap
     * @param cid
     * @return 校验单渠道个数是否超限 true超出限制  false没有超出限制
    private boolean checkChannelAccountNumOver(Map<BigInteger, Integer> cidAndCountMap , long cid, boolean isUpdate){
        boolean result = false;
        if(cidAndCountMap != null && cidAndCountMap.size() > 0){
            Integer hasChannelAccountNum = cidAndCountMap.get(BigInteger.valueOf(cid)) != null ? cidAndCountMap.get(BigInteger.valueOf(cid)) : 0;
            if(hasChannelAccountNum >  RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT || hasChannelAccountNum == RecycleChannelAccount.CHANNEL_LIMIT && !isUpdate){
                result = true;
        return  result;

    private Map<BigInteger, Integer> operateAccountCountByCid(List<RecycleChannelAccount> recycleChannelAccounts, List<BigInteger> cids){
        Map<BigInteger, Integer> cidAndCountMap = new HashMap<>();
        for(BigInteger cid : cids){
            int i = 0;
            for(RecycleChannelAccount recycleChannelAccount : recycleChannelAccounts){
                if(recycleChannelAccount.getCid() == cid.longValue()){
            cidAndCountMap.put(cid, i);
        return  cidAndCountMap;