DspDealeridRetarget.scala 10.2 KB
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package mobvista.dmp.datasource.dsp

import java.net.URI

import mobvista.dmp.common.{CommonMapReduce, CommonSparkJob}
import mobvista.prd.datasource.util.GsonUtil
import org.apache.commons.cli.{BasicParser, Options}
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SaveMode, SparkSession}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

class DspDealeridRetarget extends CommonSparkJob with Serializable {

  def commandOptions(): Options = {
    val options = new Options()
    options.addOption("yyyymmdd", true, "yyyymmdd")
    options.addOption("output", true, "output")
    options.addOption("coalesce", true, "coalesce")

  override protected def run(args: Array[String]): Int = {
    val parser = new BasicParser()
    val options = commandOptions()
    val commandLine = parser.parse(options, args)

    val coalesce = commandLine.getOptionValue("coalesce")
    val yyyymmdd = commandLine.getOptionValue("yyyymmdd")
    val output = commandLine.getOptionValue("output")
    val appFile = commandLine.getOptionValue("appFile")

    val spark = SparkSession
      .config("spark.rdd.compress", "true")
      .config("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown", "true")
      .config("spark.io.compression.codec", "snappy")
      .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "s3://mob-emr-test/spark-warehouse")
      .config("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")

    try {

      val iosAppInfoMap = spark.sparkContext.textFile(appFile).filter(_.contains("202004"))
      val iosAppInfoBC = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(iosAppInfoMap)

      val adrAppInfoMap = spark.sparkContext.textFile(appFile).filter(_.contains("com."))
      val adrAppInfoBC = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(adrAppInfoMap)

      FileSystem.get(new URI(s"s3://mob-emr-test"), spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).delete(new Path(output), true)

      import spark.implicits._

      var sql =
           |select dealerid,idfa,gaid,exitid,country,platform
           | from dwh.etl_dsp_request_daily_hours where dt ='${yyyymmdd}' and exchanges='mopub' and dealerid !=''
        val df= spark.sql(sql).filter(filterData _).rdd.map(parseMapData(iosAppInfoBC,adrAppInfoBC,_))

      sql =
           |select ext3,idfa,googleadid gaid,ext5 exitid,countrycode country,os platform
           |from adn_dsp.log_adn_dsp_org_request_orc_hour where  concat(yr,mt,dt) ='${yyyymmdd}'
           |and exchanges='mopub'

      val df_org= spark.sql(sql).filter(filterData _).rdd.map(parseMapOrgData(iosAppInfoBC,adrAppInfoBC,_))

     /*df.union(df_org).flatMap(l=> l).toDF("deviceid", "devicetype", "platform","packagename","country","dealerid")

      df.union(df_org).flatMap(l=> l).toDF("device_id", "device_type", "platform","packagename","country","dealerid")

    val sql4=
          |select device_id,
          |max(platform) platform,
          |concat_ws('#',collect_set(packagename)) package_name,
          |min(country) country,
          |concat_ws('#',collect_set(dealerid)) dealerids
          |from dsp_org_etl_hours
          |group by device_id,device_type

     /* val sql4=
          |select device_id, device_type, platform,packagename,country,dealerid
          |from dsp_org_etl_hours

        .option("orc.compress", "zlib")
        .option("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs", false)

    } finally {
      if (spark != null) {

  def buildAppInfo(array: Array[String]): Tuple2[String, String] = {
    val dealerid = array(0)
    val pkgName = array(1)

  def genRes(iosAppInfoBC: Broadcast[collection.Map[String, String]],adrAppInfoBC: Broadcast[collection.Map[String, String]],dealeridsStr: String, idfa: String, gaid: String, platform: String, exitId: String, country: String): Iterator[(String, String, String, String, String,String)] = {
    val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Tuple6[String,String,String,String,String,String]]()
    val dealerids = GsonUtil.String2JsonArray(dealeridsStr)
    var idfagaidmd5 =""
    var imei =""
    var imeimd5 = ""
      val devIds = splitFun(exitId, ",")
      if(devIds.length>= 6 ){
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(devIds(2)) && devIds(2).matches(CommonMapReduce.imeiMd5Ptn)) {
          idfagaidmd5 = devIds(2)

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(devIds(4)) && devIds(4).matches(CommonMapReduce.imeiPtn) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(country) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country)) {
          imei = devIds(4)

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(devIds(5)) && devIds(5).matches(CommonMapReduce.imeiMd5Ptn) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(country) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country)) {
          imeimd5 = devIds(5)

    var deviceid=""
    var devicetype=""
        deviceid = idfa
      else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(idfagaidmd5)){
        deviceid = idfagaidmd5
    }else if("android".equalsIgnoreCase(platform) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country)){
        deviceid = imei
      else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(imeimd5)){
        deviceid = imeimd5
    }else if("android".equalsIgnoreCase(platform) && !"CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country)){
        deviceid = gaid
      else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(idfagaidmd5)){
        deviceid = idfagaidmd5

   dealerids.foreach(element =>{
     var pkgname:Option[String] =None
     if("ios".equalsIgnoreCase(platform)) {
        pkgname = iosAppInfoBC.value.get(element.getAsString)
     }else {
        pkgname = adrAppInfoBC.value.get(element.getAsString)
     if(pkgname != None ){
        buffer += Tuple6(deviceid,devicetype, platform,pkgname.get,country, element.getAsString )


  def parseMapOrgData(iosAppInfoBC: Broadcast[collection.Map[String, String]],adrAppInfoBC: Broadcast[collection.Map[String, String]], row: Row): Iterator[Tuple6[String,String,String,String,String,String]] = {

    val ext3 = row.getAs[String]("ext3")
    var dealeridsStr = ""
    var resStr = ""
      if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(ext3) && ext3.startsWith("{")){
        val testObj = GsonUtil.String2JsonObject(ext3)
        val dealids =  testObj.get("dealids")
        if(dealids != null && !dealids.isJsonNull){
          dealeridsStr = dealids.toString
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>{e.printStackTrace()}

    val idfa = row.getAs[String]("idfa")
    val gaid = row.getAs[String]("gaid")
    val platform = row.getAs[String]("platform")
    val exitId = row.getAs[String]("exitid")
    val country = row.getAs[String]("country")

      val dealeridDemo = dealeridsStr.replace("\\","")
      val len =dealeridDemo.length
      resStr = dealeridDemo.substring(1,len -1)


  def parseMapData(iosAppInfoBC: Broadcast[collection.Map[String, String]],adrAppInfoBC: Broadcast[collection.Map[String, String]],row: Row): Iterator[Tuple6[String,String,String,String,String,String]] = {

    val dealerid = row.getAs[String]("dealerid")
    val idfa = row.getAs[String]("idfa")
    val gaid = row.getAs[String]("gaid")
    val platform = row.getAs[String]("platform")
    val exitId = row.getAs[String]("exitid")
    val country = row.getAs[String]("country")


  def filterData(row: Row): Boolean = {

//  dealerid,idfa,gaid,exitid,country
    val idfa = row.getAs[String]("idfa")
    val gaid = row.getAs[String]("gaid")
    val platform = row.getAs[String]("platform")
    val exitId = row.getAs[String]("exitid")
    val country = row.getAs[String]("country")

    if (!"ios".equals(platform) && !"android".equals(platform)) {
      return false

    var deviceId = ""
    if ("ios".equals(platform) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(idfa) && idfa.matches(didPtn) && !allZero.equals(idfa)) {
          deviceId = idfa
    } else if ("android".equals(platform) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(gaid) && gaid.matches(didPtn) && !allZero.equals(gaid) ) {
      deviceId = gaid

    var idfagaidmd5 =""
    var imei =""
    var imeimd5 = ""
      val devIds = splitFun(exitId, ",")
      if(devIds.length>= 6 ){
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(devIds(2)) && devIds(2).matches(CommonMapReduce.imeiMd5Ptn)) {
          idfagaidmd5 = devIds(2)

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(devIds(4)) && devIds(4).matches(CommonMapReduce.imeiPtn) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(country) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country)) {
          imei = devIds(4)

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(devIds(5)) && devIds(5).matches(CommonMapReduce.imeiMd5Ptn) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(country) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country)) {
          imeimd5 = devIds(5)

    if (StringUtils.isBlank(deviceId) && StringUtils.isBlank(imei) && StringUtils.isBlank(imeimd5) && StringUtils.isBlank(idfagaidmd5)) {
      return false

object DspDealeridRetarget {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    new DspDealeridRetarget().run(args)