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# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# @file
# @author  :liushuai
# @revision:2017-03-14 20:09
# @desc    :查询M系统的各个维度的数量,M系统相同app_id,不同包名的数量最大的包
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

source ../

LOG_TIME=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "-2 day $ScheduleTime")

hive_cmd "
use dev;
select app_name,app_id,platform,url,category,sum(allNUM),
	concat(sum(man),'(',round(sum(man)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as man,
	concat(sum(female),'(',round(sum(female)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as female,
	concat(sum(other_gender),'(',round(sum(other_gender)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as other_gender,
    concat(sum(eighteen),'(',round(sum(eighteen)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as eighteen,
	concat(sum(twenty_five),'(',round(sum(twenty_five)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as twenty_five,
	concat(sum(forty_five),'(',round(sum(forty_five)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as forty_five,
	concat(sum(sixty),'(',round(sum(sixty)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as sixty,
    concat(sum(above_sixty),'(',round(sum(above_sixty)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as above_sixty,
	concat(sum(other_age),'(',round(sum(other_age)/sum(allNUM)*100,2),'%',')') as other_age,country,count(1)
            select package_name,url,category,platform,count(1) as allNum,
                sum(if(gender='m',1,0)) as man,
                sum(if(gender='f',1,0)) as female,
                sum(if(gender='o',1,0))+sum(if(gender is null,1,0)) as other_gender,
                sum(if(age='0-17',1,0)) as eighteen,
                sum(if(age='18-24',1,0)) as twenty_five,
                sum(if(age='25-44',1,0)) as forty_five,
                sum(if(age='45-59',1,0)) as sixty,
                sum(if(age='60+',1,0)) as above_sixty,
                sum(if(age='unknown',1,0))+sum(if(age is null,1,0)) as other_age, country
            from app_gender_age
            group by package_name,url,category,platform,country
        ) m
            select app_id,package_name,app_name
            from app_id_name
            where year='${year}' and month='${month}' and day='${day}'
        ) app
        on app.package_name=m.package_name
	group by app_name,app_id,platform,country,url,category;
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
  exit 255

hive_cmd "
use dev;
select app.app_name,app.app_id,app.package_name,platform,url,category,max(allNum),country from
	(select package_name,url,category,platform,count(*) as allNum,
        sum(if(gender='m',1,0)) as man,
        sum(if(gender='f',1,0)) as female,
        sum(if(gender='o',1,0))+sum(if(gender is null,1,0)) as other_gender,
        sum(if(age='0-17',1,0)) as eighteen,
        sum(if(age='18-24',1,0)) as twenty_five,
        sum(if(age='25-44',1,0)) as forty_five,
        sum(if(age='45-59',1,0)) as sixty,
        sum(if(age='60+',1,0)) as above_sixty,
        sum(if(age='unknown',1,0))+sum(if(age is null,1,0)) as other_age,country
        from app_gender_age group by package_name,url,category,platform,country) m
		(select app_id,package_name,app_name from app_id_name where year='${year}' and month='${month}' and day='${day}') app
	on app.package_name=m.package_name group by app_name,app_id,platform,country,url,category,app.package_name;
"> maxAppName.txt
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
  exit 255

hadoop fs -mkdir -p s3://mob-emr-test/liushuai/prd/${year}/${month}/${day}/table/
hadoop fs -rm s3://mob-emr-test/liushuai/prd/${year}/${month}/${day}/table/maxAppName.txt
hadoop fs -rm s3://mob-emr-test/liushuai/prd/${year}/${month}/${day}/table/appCountNum.txt

hadoop fs -put maxAppName.txt s3://mob-emr-test/liushuai/prd/${year}/${month}/${day}/table/
hadoop fs -put appCountNum.txt s3://mob-emr-test/liushuai/prd/${year}/${month}/${day}/table/