OdsDmpUserInfoAll.scala 8.24 KB
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package mobvista.dmp.datasource.device

import java.net.URI
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat

import mobvista.dmp.common.CommonSparkJob
import mobvista.dmp.util.DateUtil
import org.apache.commons.cli.{BasicParser, Options}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

class OdsDmpUserInfoAll extends CommonSparkJob with Serializable {

  override protected def run(args: Array[String]): Int = {
    val parser = new BasicParser()
    val options = commandOptions()
    val commandLine = parser.parse(options, args)
    val scheduleTime = commandLine.getOptionValue("cur_day")
    val input = commandLine.getOptionValue("input")
    val output = commandLine.getOptionValue("output")
    val coalesce = commandLine.getOptionValue("coalesce")

    val sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
    val sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")

    val spark = SparkSession
      .config("spark.rdd.compress", "true")
      .config("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown", "true")
      .config("spark.io.compression.codec", "snappy")
      .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "s3://mob-emr-test/spark-warehouse")
      .config("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")

    FileSystem.get(new URI(s"s3://mob-emr-test"), spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).delete(new Path(output), true)

    try {
      val yesBef1Part = DateUtil.getDayByString(scheduleTime, "yyyy-MM-dd", -1)
      val yesBef1Str = sdf2.format(sdf1.parse(yesBef1Part))

      val yesBef2Part = DateUtil.getDayByString(scheduleTime, "yyyy-MM-dd", -2)
      val yesBef2DayStr = sdf2.format(sdf1.parse(yesBef2Part))

      val befYearPart = DateUtil.getDayByString(scheduleTime, "yyyy-MM-dd", -365)

      def schema: StructType = {
        StructType(StructField("device_id", StringType) ::

      val publishDF = spark.createDataFrame(sc.textFile(input).map(r => {
      }), schema)

      var hql =
           |select lower(dev_id) dev_id,max(dev_id_md5) as dev_id_md5,
           |max(dev_type) dev_type,
           |max(platform) platform,
           |max(install) as install,
           |max(interest) as interest,
           |max(model) as model,
           |max(country) as country,
           |max(osversion) as osversion,
           |min(age) as age,
           |min(gender) as gender,
           |max(behavior) as behavior,
           |max(update_date) as update_date
           |from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_all where dt = '${yesBef1Str}'
           |group by lower(dev_id)

      //  spark.sql(hql).createOrReplaceTempView("ods_dmp_user_info_all")
      val hql =
           |select coalesce(b.dev_id,a.dev_id) as dev_id,
           |coalesce(b.dev_id_md5,a.dev_id_md5) as dev_id_md5,
           |coalesce(b.dev_type,a.dev_type) as dev_type,
           |coalesce(b.platform,a.platform) as platform,
           |coalesce(b.install,a.install) as install,
           |coalesce(b.interest,a.interest) as interest,
           |coalesce(b.model,a.model) as model,
           |coalesce(b.country,a.country) as country,
           |coalesce(b.osversion,a.osversion) as osversion,
           |coalesce(b.age,a.age) as age,
           |coalesce(b.gender,a.gender) as gender,
           |coalesce(b.behavior,a.behavior) as behavior,
           |coalesce(b.update_date,a.update_date) as update_date,
           |coalesce(b.update_date,a.update_date) as update_date
           |  (select dev_id,dev_id_md5,dev_type,platform,install,interest,model,case when upper(country) = 'GB' then 'UK' else upper(country) end as country ,osversion,age,gender,behavior,update_date
           |      from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_all where dt = '${yesBef2DayStr}') a
           |  full outer join
           |  (select dev_id,dev_id_md5,dev_type,platform,install,interest,model,case when upper(country) = 'GB' then 'UK' else upper(country) end as country ,osversion,age,gender,behavior,update_date
           |      from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_daily where dt='${yesBef1Str}') b
           |  on a.dev_id = b.dev_id
      val hql =
           |select coalesce(b.dev_id,a.dev_id) as dev_id,
           |    coalesce(b.dev_id_md5,a.dev_id_md5) as dev_id_md5,
           |    coalesce(b.dev_type,a.dev_type) as dev_type,
           |    coalesce(b.platform,a.platform) as platform,
           |    coalesce(b.install,a.install) as install,
           |    coalesce(b.interest,a.interest) as interest,
           |    coalesce(b.model,a.model) as model,
           |    coalesce(b.country,a.country) as country,
           |    coalesce(b.osversion,a.osversion) as osversion,
           |    coalesce(b.age,a.age,10) as age,
           |    coalesce(b.gender,a.gender,10) as gender,
           |    coalesce(b.behavior,a.behavior) as behavior,
           |    coalesce(b.update_date,a.update_date) as update_date,
WangJinfeng committed
           |    coalesce(b.merge_bus,a.merge_bus) as merge_bus,
wang-jinfeng committed
126 127
           |    coalesce(b.publish_date,a.publish_date) as publish_date
WangJinfeng committed
           |    (select dev_id,dev_id_md5,dev_type,platform,install,interest,model,case when upper(country) = 'GB' then 'UK' else upper(country) end as country ,osversion,age,gender,behavior,update_date,merge_bus,
wang-jinfeng committed
129 130 131 132
           |        '$yesBef1Part' as publish_date
           |        from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_daily where dt='$yesBef1Str'
           |    ) b
           |    full outer join
WangJinfeng committed
           |    (select dev_id,dev_id_md5,dev_type,platform,install,interest,model,case when upper(country) = 'GB' then 'UK' else upper(country) end as country ,osversion,age,gender,behavior,update_date,merge_bus,publish_date
wang-jinfeng committed
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
           |        from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_all where dt = '$yesBef2DayStr' and update_date >= '$befYearPart') a
           |    on a.dev_id = b.dev_id

      hql =
           |select coalesce(b.dev_id,a.dev_id) as dev_id,
           |    coalesce(b.dev_id_md5,a.dev_id_md5) as dev_id_md5,
           |    coalesce(b.dev_type,a.dev_type) as dev_type,
           |    coalesce(b.platform,a.platform) as platform,
           |    coalesce(b.install,a.install) as install,
           |    coalesce(b.interest,a.interest) as interest,
           |    coalesce(b.model,a.model) as model,
           |    coalesce(b.country,a.country) as country,
           |    coalesce(b.osversion,a.osversion) as osversion,
           |    coalesce(b.age,a.age,10) as age,
           |    coalesce(b.gender,a.gender,10) as gender,
           |    coalesce(b.behavior,a.behavior) as behavior,
           |    coalesce(b.update_date,a.update_date) as update_date,
           |    coalesce(b.update_date,a.publish_date) as publish_date
           |    (select dev_id,dev_id_md5,dev_type,platform,install,interest,model,case when upper(country) = 'GB' then 'UK' else upper(country) end as country ,osversion,age,gender,behavior,update_date,publish_date
           |        from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_all where dt = '${yesBef2DayStr}') a
           |    full outer join
           |    (select dev_id,dev_id_md5,dev_type,platform,install,interest,model,case when upper(country) = 'GB' then 'UK' else upper(country) end as country ,osversion,age,gender,behavior,update_date
           |        from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info_daily where dt='${yesBef1Str}'
           |    ) b
           |    on a.dev_id = b.dev_id
        .option("orc.compress", "zlib")
    } finally {
      if (spark != null) {

  def commandOptions(): Options = {
    val options = new Options()
    options.addOption("cur_day", true, "schedule Time")
    options.addOption("input", true, "input")
    options.addOption("output", true, "output")
    options.addOption("coalesce", true, "coalesce")


object OdsDmpUserInfoAll {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    new OdsDmpUserInfoAll().run(args)